The environment consists of a host of living and non-living things and their surroundings. They all interact and tele-connect in complex manners to coexist to evolve a balance system over time. Man, as a component of the environment has been very influential in modifying his habitat negatively. His continual existence can only be guaranteed by stabilizing his disruptive relationship by adopting sustainable resource use and lifestyles. We, thus need to change the way we live, learn and conduct business on this planet. Business can be utilized as the catalysing force behind this change by internalizing the costs of our activities. We can evolve resource conservation, pollution control, green economy, renewable energy, efficient water resources management, green technology, eco-cities, sustainable agriculture, etc.
Environmental Management involves the use of laws, protocols, conventions, guidelines amongst others to ensure the environment is managed in a sustainable manner. Compliance is required in this area. The Bill of Rights in the Constitution of South Africa strongly emphasizes the need to effectively managing the environment for the benefit of current and future generations.
We offer consultancy in the following discipline areas:
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Mitigation,
- Environmental Planning and Reporting,
- Environmental Compliance Monitoring and Reporting,
- Environmental Health and Public Health,
- Environmental Accounting/Auditing-Energy & Water,
- Climate Change Science and Resilience,
- Carbon Footprints and Credit Computation,
- Green Economy/ Cleaner Production and Decarbonisation,
- Air Quality Management and modelling,
- Coastal and Estuarine Management,
- Waste and Chemical Management,
- Facilitation of Water Use, Waste and Atmospheric Emission Licensing and
Permitting, - Development of Environmental Management System (EMS), and
- Peer Review of Environmental Management Documents
We are a Green Company that utilizes appropriate means and technology to reduce our carbon footprint.
We strive for Environmental Justice and we promote Public Engagement and Enlighenment.
We are mindful of the Forth Industrial Revolution and Artificial Intelligence, and their disruption to conventional business practices. We are able to assist our clients to maximise the benefits of Industry 4.0 and EIA with regards to the Integrated Environmental Management System.