Timothy Fasheun Group Enviromentors (Pty) Enviromentors (Pty) Ltd is accredited by Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA) to train and upskill Leaners in line with the South African Qualification Authority(SAQA) for National Qualification Level 1 to 5 in environmental Management Services.
We are also registered by the Department of Higher Education as a Private College.
The aim is to produce a much needed human capital at both lower and middle level in the field of environmental management and services in South Africa.
The Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment, in South Africa, requires Companies to participate in skill development and employment equity. There is therefore a BEE Scorecard through which companies can be measured and thus credited using 40 indicators. A Company needs to achieve as many points as possible out of a maximum of 100 available points. A Company can therefore sponsor a Learnership Program, such as ours, for some unemployed and previously disadvantaged learners, so as to make them employable. Such skill development sponsorship counts for 20 points.
Timothy Fasheun Group Enviromentors offer both Contact and Online accredited and non-accredited Training in the field of environmental management. We are able to customise our courses to suit the needs of our clients. Our Team is made of registered and seasoned facilitators.
Our Skilling and Mentorship Program (short and long-term) is a partnership between mentee(s) and ourselves. We provide professional customised guidance, skills and motivation through learnership, sharing of experience and impacting knowledge. Our activities are designed to enhance mentee’s personal and professional development. Some benefits of Mentoring and Training includes but not limited to the following items inter alia:
• Increased National workforce morale and motivation,
• Development of mentees and trainees’ potential capabilities and perspectives,
• Improvement of professional standards leading to greater productivity,
• Provision of a platform for discovering latent talents in the organization and opportunities to develop them,
• Development of leadership capability,
• More effective career management and development,
• Development of cross-organizational networks to aid teamwork, and
• Mentoring program complements other learning and skilling activities.
We aim at producing low-and middle-level environmental management personnel as foot soldiers, especially at local government level in accordance to guidelines of National Qualification Framework (NQF). Services are offered by our qualified, seasoned and matured environmental management practitioners. Training is done along the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) prescripts so that clients can earn credits.
Timothy Fasheun Group Enviromentors (Pty) Ltd, has applied for an extension of scope for accreditation with Agriculture (AGRICSETA, Energy and Water (EWSETA), Health and Welfare (HWSETA).
We offer capacity building initiatives to strengthen environmental systems in companies and government structures. We offer support and assistance to newly established companies, newly recruited staff. We conduct assessment and performance evaluation in the areas of integrated environmental systems.
Our approach is broader and deeper than just knowledge transfers and skill development. Mentoring and training on environmental management, in an integrated manner, on specific issues, is a good investment in human capital development.
Our Company has full accreditation to offer training leading to the following qualifications with their associated linked Unit Standards as shown on the Table.
ID |
Contact Notional Hrs |
Workplace Notional Hrs |
1 |
General Education and Training Certificate: Environmental Practice |
49552 |
122 |
366 |
854 |
2 |
National Certificate: Environmental Practice |
49605 |
128 |
384 |
896 |
3 |
National Certificate: Environmental Practice |
49752 |
122 |
366 |
854 |
4 |
Further Education and Training Certificate: Environmental Practice |
50309 |
140 |
420 |
980 |
5 |
National Certificate: Environmental Management |
66789 |
134 |
402 |
938 |
These qualifications are facilitated by seasoned members of our team who are registered Assessors, Moderators and Facilitators.
We offer Online Training program in line with the LGSETA, QCTO and DHET Guidelines. We offer virtual interactive classroom experience. It is a multi-platform system that can be assessed on smartphones, tablets, laptops and tower personal computers. Missed sessions could be downloaded.
In the light of the legacy qualification being replaced by Occupational qualifications by 2027, we have embarked on registering for Level 6 : Environmental Technician ID: 99508
(ID 49552, NQF Level 1)
This qualification is for practitioners in the field of environmental science, environmental management and waste management. This series of qualifications will equip practitioners with the skills, knowledge and values to contribute towards the wise and effective use and management of our natural resources and ecological systems.
The specific purpose of this qualification is to acquire the skills, knowledge and understanding required by competent practitioners to:
- Have an elementary understanding of the concept of the environment and the basic principles which underpin the sustainable use of resources
- Understand their role and perform the activities associated with their role, using the tools, materials and practices of their field
- Understand how they are affected by laws, agreements and policies related to their context
- Understand the impact of their activities on the (natural) environment, as well as the implications of these activities for the environment.
Practitioners will be able to engage productively and responsibly in work, individual or community related activities in the field of environmental science, environmental management and waste management. This qualification will also serve as a basis for further learning, and will equip learners with the knowledge, skills and values to participate meaningfully in society and contribute towards developing sustainable communities.
This qualification can be obtained in any context within the field of environmental science, environmental management and waste management, e.g. local government, public and private waste management enterprises, cultural or natural heritage sites, community projects, recycling and recovery of resources, control and eradication of invasive and alien species, rural development, or as workers with environmental functions in a range of industries such as mining, chemicals or manufacturing, etc.
This qualification recognises skills, knowledge and values relevant to environmental science, environmental and waste management activities. It is designed for learners who engage actively in such activities. These activities are necessary in order to develop a portfolio of evidence.
The qualification is suitable for learners who:
- Have attended courses and then apply the knowledge gained to activities in a workplace or in a community, or
- Are already workers and have acquired the skills and knowledge without attending formal courses (RPL can be done through the summative assessment and portfolio of evidence), or
- Are already active in the community and have acquired the skills and knowledge without attending formal courses (RPL can be done through the summative assessment and portfolio of evidence), or
- Participate in skills programmes and the appropriate work experience or community work, or
- Are part of a learnership programme which integrates structured learning and work experience, or
- Acquire their learning through any combination of the above.
Entry Requirements
It is assumed that the learner has attained ABET Level 3 in Communication and Mathematics.
Recognition of prior learning:
This qualification may be obtained through the process of RPL. While this is primarily a context-based qualification, evidence from other areas of endeavour may be introduced if pertinent to any of the exit level outcomes.
(ID 49605, NQF Level 2)
This qualification is a learning pathway for practitioners in the field of environmental science, environmental management and waste management. It was developed to equip practitioners with the skills, knowledge and values to contribute towards the wise and effective use and management of our built environment, natural resources and ecological systems.
The competent practitioners are able to:
- Operate and maintain machinery and equipment and use resources in an environmentally responsible manner
- Apply basic principles and tools of environmental practice to avoid, minimise or remedy negative environmental impacts
Practitioners will be able to engage productively and responsibly in work, individual or community related activities in the field of environmental science, environmental management and waste management. This qualification will also serve as a basis for further learning, and will equip learners with the knowledge, skills and values to participate meaningfully in society and contribute towards developing sustainable communities.
This qualification contents include environmental science, environmental management – waste management and enterprises, cultural or natural heritage sites, community projects, open space management, recycling and recovery of resources. Others are control and eradication of invasive and alien species, rural development and site preparation or rehabilitation. Competent Learners can function in a range of industries such as mining, chemicals or manufacturing.
The course includes waste management (materials recovery and buy-back centres, waste reception, landfill operations, water course health. Maintenance and care of public places, open areas, cultural and natural heritage sites, parks and sports fields and community projects are also learnt.
The qualification is suitable for learners who:
- Have attended courses and then apply the knowledge gained to activities in a workplace or in a community, or
- Are already workers and have acquired the skills and knowledge without attending formal courses, or
- Are already active in the community and have acquired the skills and knowledge without attending formal courses, or
- Participate in skills programmes and appropriate work experience or community work, or
- Are part of a learnership programme which integrates structured learning and work experience, or
- Acquire their learning through any combination of the above.
Entry Requirements
It is assumed that the learner is competent in Communication and Mathematical Literacy at NQF level 1.
This qualification may be obtained through the process of RPL. While this is primarily a context-based qualification, evidence from other areas of endeavour may be introduced if pertinent to any of the Exit Level Outcomes.
(ID 49752, NQF Level 3)
This qualification is in the field of environmental science, environmental management and waste management. It was developed to equip practitioners with the skills, knowledge and values to contribute towards the wise and effective use and management of natural resources and ecological systems.
The competent learners would be able to operate and maintain complex machinery and equipment in an environmentally responsible manner, apply appropriate environmental principles to prevent, correct or remedy negative environmental impacts, and works in a team as a leader and member.
This qualification will also serve as a basis for further learning, and will equip learners with the knowledge, skills and values to participate meaningfully in society and contribute towards developing sustainable communities.
With this understanding, learners will be able to engage productively and responsibly in work or community-related activities in the field of environmental science, environmental management and waste management.
This qualification contents include environmental science, environmental management – waste management and enterprises, cultural or natural heritage sites, community projects, open space management, recycling and recovery of resources. Others are control and eradication of invasive and alien species, rural development and site preparation or rehabilitation. Competent Learners can function in a range of industries such as mining, chemicals or manufacturing.
The course includes waste management (materials recovery and buy-back centres, waste reception, landfill operations, water course health. Maintenance and care of public places, open areas, cultural and natural heritage sites, parks and sports fields and community projects are also learnt.
The qualification is suitable for learners who:
- Have attended environment related courses and then apply the knowledge gained to activities in a workplace or in a community, or
- Are already workers and have acquired the skills and knowledge without attending formal courses, or
- Are already active in the community and have acquired the skills and knowledge without attending formal courses, or
- Participate in skills programmes and the appropriate work experience or community work, or
- Are part of a learnership programme which integrates structured learning and work experience, or
- Acquire their learning through any combination of the above.
Entry Requirements
It is assumed that the learner is competent in Communication and Mathematical Literacy at NQF level 2.
It is preferable that learners first complete the ID: 49605 National Certificate: Environmental Practice: Level 2 or equivalent before accessing this qualification. The learner will need access to suitable specialised vehicles and/or complex machinery and equipment.
This qualification may be acquired through the process of RPL. While this is primarily a context-based qualification, evidence from other areas of endeavour may be introduced if pertinent to any of the Exit Level Outcomes or Unit Standards.
(ID:50309, NQF Level 4)
This qualification is for aspiring practitioners in the field of environmental science, environmental management and waste management. It is designed to equip practitioners with the skills, knowledge and values to contribute towards the wise and effective use and management of our natural resources and ecological systems.
On attaining competence in this qualification will enable qualified learners to apply environmental principles and practices to operations, audits, inspections and assessments, data management, resource management and communications, within the regulatory framework. He/she will also be able to engage with appropriate stakeholders to implement environmental interventions.
This qualification will also serve as a basis for further learning, and will equip learners with the knowledge, skills and values to participate meaningfully in society and contribute towards developing sustainable communities.
This qualification contents include environmental science, environmental management – waste management and enterprises, cultural or natural heritage sites, community projects, open space management, recycling and recovery of resources. Others are control and eradication of invasive and alien species, rural development and site preparation or rehabilitation. Competent Learners can function in a range of industries such as mining, chemicals or manufacturing.
The qualification is suitable for learners who:
- Have attended courses and then apply the knowledge and skills gained to activities in the workplace.
- Are already employees and have acquired the skills and knowledge without attending formal courses.
- Participate in skills programmes and the appropriate work experience.
- Are part of a learnership programme which integrates structured learning and work experience.
- Acquire their learning through any combination of the above. wish to extend their range of skills and knowledge and hence their competencies in environment management
Entry Requirements
It is assumed that Learners are competent in Communication and Mathematical literacy all at NQF Level 3
It would be preferable if learners first complete the ID 49752: National Certificate: Environmental Practice before accessing this qualification.
This qualification may be obtained through the process of RPL. While this is primarily a context-based qualification, evidence from other areas of endeavour may be introduced if pertinent to any of the Exit Level Outcomes or Unit Standards.
(ID:66789, Credits 134, NQF Level 5)
This Qualification is for any individual who is, or wishes to be, involved in environmental science, environmental management and waste management. The Qualification contains all the competencies, skills and values required by a learner who may wish to access a higher qualification within the environment sector.
The core component of this qualification contains general competencies that will help the learner acquire a broad and meaningful overview of the environment management sector before specialising in a field. The Elective component allows for streams of specialisations in environmental waste management, air quality management, water quality management, noise pollution and other related fields. The learner will acquire expanded knowledge, skills and insight into one of these streams.
This Qualification will add value to the learner’s conceptual understanding of the field and work performance. It will also enhance the provision of service within the environmental management sector.
The Qualification will provide the broad knowledge, skills and values needed in the environmental management field and will facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within, education and training for learners who:
- Were previously disadvantaged.
- Have worked in this field for many years but have no formal qualifications and would like to achieve this qualification through the process of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and/or formal study.
- Wish to extend their range of skills and knowledge and hence their competencies in environment management.
Entry Requirements
It is assumed that Learners are competent in Mathematical literacy, Communication, and Environmental or management related subject all at NQF Level 4.
It would be preferable if learners acquired the ID 50309: FETC: Environmental Practice qualification prior to embarking on learning towards this qualification:
The structure of this Unit Standard-based Qualification makes the recognition of prior learning (RPL) possible, if the learner is able to demonstrate competence in the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes implicit in this Qualification.
The Government Role
The Government Regulatory bodies are also mindful of increasing costs and burdens associated with keeping industries, businesses and other spheres of government in regulatory compliance. It aims to reduce oversight by encouraging self-regulation. The government’s quests for enhanced organizational competencies and self-knowledge of employees. Governmental officials need continual training and skilling.
Business Interests
Businesses and industries strive to reduce operating costs and improve compliance. They also want to ensure government and stakeholder’s relation. Early identification of liabilities and risks also safeguard unnecessary expenditure and diversion. Through mentoring a cadre of more motivated, proficient, competent and self-confident workforce is produced, nurtured and supported. Efficiencies in operating systems, processes and procedures are enhanced through mentoring. The outcome is a healthy workforce in a safe and healthy environment.
Some Associated Unit Standards
ID:10622 Conduct communication within a business environment
ID:116971 Demonstrate knowledge of pollution Incident management and remediation
ID:244288 Demonstrate understanding of occupational health and safety legislation in the workplace
ID:252022 Develop, implement and evaluate a project plan
ID:264454 Manage hazardous substances
ID:264455 Demonstrate an understanding of integrated environmental management analysis tools
ID: 264456 Explain the biophysical environment
ID: 264457 Demonstrate an understanding of integrated water resource management (IWRM
ID: 12463 Understand and deal with HIV/AIDS
ID: 13169 Describe and discuss issues relating to HIV-AIDS, TB and sexually transmitted illnesses and their impact on the workplace
ID: 13235 Maintain the quality assurance system
ID: 13941 Apply the budget function in a business unit
ID: 14427 Select and supervise the use and maintenance of plant, equipment and tools
ID:14664 Demonstrate knowledge of diversity within different relationships in the South African society
ID: 119305 Demonstrate an awareness of the impact of human activities on the environment
ID: 119553 Take action to address impacts on the environment