Poor Environmental Management and Practice can compromise the health of the populace. There is thus a need to to measure the Environmental Management and Practice by developing relevant indices. These indices are used to indicate the level of health risk associated with local Environmental Management and Practice.
Environmental protection is concerned with protecting the natural environment for the benefit of human health and the ecosystem. It encompasses the assessment and control of those environmental factors that can potentially affect health. It is targeted towards preventing disease and creating health-supportive environments
Our Company provides services that ensures the improvement of environmental parameters through the use of environmentally friendly and healthy technologies and awareness creation.
Tim Fasheun Group: Environmentors has the capacity to undertake health studies and device relevant indices, and offer advice on how environmental health can be improved and sustained.
Environmental surveillance has been used for decades to determine existence of virus, its spread and persistence in the communities. For instance, monitoring of wastewater and sewage can be used to assess incidence of virus in communities, and measure the effectiveness of interventions adopted. Surveillance also provide waste management officials the means of gauging the effectiveness of their management protocols.
Timothy Fasheun Group is able to facilitate such environmental surveillance of virus pandemic using wastewater and sewage systems.